Spokane Hoopfest is the largest 3on3 outdoor basketball tournament on Earth. That means over 6,000 teams, 3,000 volunteers, 225,000 fans and 450 courts spanning 45 city blocks! Beyond basketball, it is an outdoor festival with shopping, food and interactive entertainment. We are so excited for you to join us and be a part of the Best Basketball Weekend on Earth!
Hoopfest 2025 will be June 28-29.
Registration will open March 3rd, 2025 at 9am.
No matter your age, height or skill level, grab your shoes and your friends and come join 25,000 other players in the greatest 3on3 basketball tournament on earth.
The Xfinity Elite Division attracts the most talented 3on3 basketball teams from around the country.
Please note that:
Great Prizes for Elite Winners!
High School Varsity Elite
Think you’ve got the best high school 3on3 basketball players in the country? This division is for all incoming grades 10-12 who can bring their “A” game. Teams must be male OR female; no co-ed teams will be allowed. Teams will not be bracketed according to height or experience.
Freshman Elite
This division is for the most promising young athletes in the nation. All players must be entering grade 9 in the fall of 2024 to participate in this division. Teams must be male OR female; no co-ed teams will be allowed. Teams will not be bracketed according to height or experience.
The Senior Elite Division presented by Washington State Senior Games has been created for our most veteran players. Men 65 years and older will compete on their very own Senior Elite Center Court equipped with a sport court surface, plexiglass backboard and will be called by three elite officials.
Please note that:
Great Prizes for Elite Winners!
The International 3×3 Division is created to align with the most recent addition of 3on3 basketball at the 2020 Olympics, Hoopfest is excited to announce the addition of the International 3×3 Division into the event this year. 3×3 rules include 10-minute games, 12-second shot clocks, no breaks after scoring and more!
Division Rules:
Please note that:
Great Prizes for Elite Winners!
We have a bracket for everyone at the largest 3on3 basketball tournament on earth!
All team members must be related to the team captain. Family teams must submit a family verification form.
Cost is $180
Grades 1 & 2
This division will play on a 7-foot hoop, with a 27.5″ basketball. The games will be 15 minutes or first team to score 20 points, whichever comes first.
Cost is $120
Grades 3rd & 4th
This division will play on an 8-foot hoop with a 28.5″ basketball.
Grades 5th-8th
This division will play on a 10-foot hoop with a 28.5″ basketball.
Cost is $160
Special Olympics
This division is for teams that consist entirely of Special Olympics athletes of all ages and abilities and requires registering with a paper entry form. All teams are subject to player add/change deadlines and fees.
This division is for players with developmental disabilities who wish to play with their non-disabled friends or family. Each team must consist of two players with developmental disabilities. This division requires registering with a paper entry form. All teams are subject to player add/change deadlines and fees.
This division is for wheelchair participants of all ages. This division requires registering with a paper entry form. All teams are subject to player add/change deadlines and fees.
Build Your Own Brackets
Do you have specific teams in mind that you’ve been waiting all year to play and determine who really is the best? If so, then build your own bracket. Simply sign up for your regular Hoopfest non-elite division. Then round up either seven or 15 more Hoopfest teams you want to play against and who agree to play against you and we’ll create your own bracket.
The event administrators reserve the right to reject any change or addition which does not fit the team’s current profile or the bracket it has been placed in.
Absolutely no players may be added or changed after 8:00 a.m. Saturday.
Player change form can be found by clicking the button below.
Before you and your squad hoop it up on the streets of Spokane, you have to check-in to begin your weekend of 3on3 basketball! Team check-in will be at The Plaza area of the US Pavilion of Riverfront Park.
While street ball is traditionally played without the boundaries and intricacies of indoor basketball, Hoopfest has a few rules and regulations to ensure hoopers stay safe and have the best weekend possible while playing 3on3 basketball.
Hoopfest officials have added a technical foul rule due to a grave concern about the growing trend of unsportsmanlike acts such as profanity, taunting, baiting and trash talking. More than ever, officials will be seeking the cooperation of all players and spectators to eliminate these disturbances from the tournament. Monitors will fully enforce the following calls to abate such unsportsmanlike acts.
Hoopfest places a strong emphasis on sportsmanship and the elimination of rough play, and seeks your help and cooperation. It is the responsibility of the monitors to enforce the spirit of sportsmanship, fair play and safe 3on3 basketball. If play starts getting too rough, the court monitor should stop the game and require players to tone it down. If the court monitor observes unnecessarily rough play, the appropriate penalty will be assessed.
A foul for unsportsmanlike acts such as taunting, baiting or trash talk. Taunting and baiting involve derogatory remarks and/or gestures that incite or insult a player. Trash talk involves a deeply personal, verbal or nonverbal attack directed toward any person involved in the event. In extreme cases, the player may also be suspended from play and a coach or fan removed from the court for the remainder of that game, or for the rest of the tournament.
PenaltyA foul when a player makes no effort to play the ball in order to prevent a player from scoring, dribbling or passing. It is usually a foul against a player with the ball; however, it could be a foul against a player without the ball is cutting, screening or rebounding, and is impeded or pushed out of an established position. It is usually a foul by the defense; however, it could be a foul by the offense.
A foul so aggressive and physical that it is of a savage or violent nature and the fouled player is vulnerable to injury. Such foul shows a wanton disregard for the opponent. It is not necessarily intentional, and does not need to be preceded by the court monitor issuing a warning.
One court monitor referees the game on each youth court. Since a typical AAU, YMCA and other youth game utilizes two referees to obtain a clear view from both sides of play. Hoopfest requests the assistance of players, parents and fans to understand that the volunteer court monitor is just one person, a volunteer, who is only able to see the game from one perspective. It is crucial that players and fans understand this and respect that he/she is someone willing to volunteer to serve as a monitor to call the games to the best of his/her ability, and to maintain the Spirit of Hoopfest. Hoopfest strongly discourages parents and fans from becoming factors in the game, and asks that they refrain from negative comments about game action and calls made by the court monitor, regardless of how incorrect they believe the calls may have been. Hoopfest requires that each youth team designate one person as the Parent Coach. The Parent Coach is the sole representative for the team, the only person with authority to approach the court monitor during each game. The coach is responsible for making sure the other parents and spectators of this team act in a manner that maintains the Spirit of Hoopfest. In the youngest youth brackets, the volunteer court monitor may stop play and counsel the players about certain rules before actually calling the violation and taking the ball away from the offending player’s team. These teaching moments are also a part of Hoopfest. Hoopfest hopes to instill in today’s youth the values of playing competitively within a framework of treating their opponents with dignity and respect. Hoopfest hopes that coaches and parents will view this as their higher calling, rather than placing an unhealthy emphasis on winning. In order to maintain the Spirit of Hoopfest, the court monitor has the authority to stop play and ask the coach and players to change their behavior. It is the responsibility of each youth team’s coach to exert his/her influence over the players, parents and team followers to maintain the Spirit of Hoopfest. Hoopfest expects that if a change in behavior is needed that the only action the court monitor has to take is to ask the coach to facilitate this change.
Games are intended to be played to twenty (20) points. However, in the interest of maintaining the tournament’s schedule and for other pertinent reasons, the court monitor must limit the game to twenty (20) minutes.
Court monitors do not referee games in these divisions. This means that players are responsible for calling fouls and violations, with the exception of the two (2) point goal, technical fouls, intentional fouls and flagrant fouls. In the event of a disagreement over calls made by the players, the court monitor will settle the dispute. The court monitor’s duties are to maintain a safe contest in the Spirit of Hoopfest, oversee the scorekeeping, judge two (2) point goals, toss the coin to determine the first possession, ensure the tournament rules are followed, and settle any disagreements between the teams.
To maintain the Spirit of Hoopfest, the court monitor has the authority to stop play and advise players of the need to change their behavior. The monitor has the authority to bench a player to promote a change in his/her behavior; and has the authority to call intentional, flagrant and technical fouls. A flagrant foul may result in a monitor ejecting a player from the fame, and possible for the remainder of the tournament. It is the players’ job to make their own calls. Fouls called should be of a nature which directly results in a disadvantage to the player fouled, such as: against a player who is in the act of shooting; an obvious hard charge; an obvious over-the-back rebounding attempt; or some other contact hard enough to knock an opposing player down. By the same token, calling every contact a foul is not in the spirit of sportsmanship and fair play … ticky, tacky, touch fouls can detract from the game as much as rough play. Calling “cheap” fouls is not in the Spirit of Hoopfest.
Two monitors referee each Elite Division fame. While court monitors are the officials of each game, and are responsible to call fouls and violations, their role goes beyond officiating each game. Their primary responsibility is to maintain the Spirit of Hoopfest, ensuring that each game is played in an atmosphere of mutual respect and dignity among all players. In order to maintain the Spirit of Hoopfest, the court monitor has the authority to stop play and advise a player or players of the need to change their behavior. A monitor has the authority to bench a player to necessitate a change in his/her behavior. In addition, a monitor has the authority to call technical, intentional or flagrant fouls to change behavior, which om the case of a flagrant foul may result in an ejection from the game, or even the entire tournament.